Praying the way Jesus Taught
Matthew 6:9
9 Pray then like this:
“Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name.
When we come to pray, we are making requests and supplications to our Almighty Father. We need to remember from whom we are asking our requests. Jesus wanted the people He was teaching to understand this truth before doing or asking for anything.
The old Bible rhetoric uses the phrase, “…hallowed by your name.” That is simply stating our Father is holy. We should come to Him with reverence in our hearts. We need to realize who He really is, and the enormity of the One we are talking to. He loves to hear our prayers, but we cannot come to Him in disrespect, only wanting what He can do for us. We need to praise and worship Him before all else. We need to show Him we understand who He is, and come to Him out of respect, knowing only He can help us with our wants and needs.
Father, I come to You with praise on my lips. You alone are holy, and I love you. Please remind me exactly who You are and how I can please You more. I want to honor You in all I say and do. Thank You for teaching me how I should come to you with my prayer requests. I love You, Lord. Thank You, Amen!